Banbury loco shed
As with the other topics around Banbury, the pictures are shown chronologically and will be added to, beginning with GWR days, then the BR period (its last day last day as a steam shed was 4 March 1967), after which diesels were stabled for a short while. The sequence is now:
- GWR - Post WW2 and early BR - 1950s and early 1960s - Mid 1960s onwards -- Britannias at Banbury
New additions placed here temporarily.
An assortment placed here for convenience.
A murky day in the winter of 1965/66 sees ex-LMS 5MT No 45493 (BAN) blowing off steam just beyond the ash pits. Taken from a batch of medium format square negatives. Author's collection.
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Taken on the same day and looking across at several "Black Fives" behind two 9Fs standing among the water columns in front of the running shed, none of them identified but reminiscent of the allocation at Banbury after the LMR took over. Author's collection.
Click on the image for an enlargement
And some views around the station:

A ticket issued by the SR for an excursion from Banbury to Southampton. "Half day excursion" meant that departure would not have been especially early in the morning and that the fare was generously cheap. Mick Green Collection.
Click on the image for an enlargement

Another view from 1965/66, at the south end of the platforms as ex-LMS 2MT 2-6-0 No 46522 (BAN) leaves with an Up freight. This loco came to Banbury in March 1966 from Tyseley so it could have been a through working from there, or the loco could have taken over the train or started from Banbury, which is more likely given the route it is taking on the east side of the station. Author's collection.
Click on the image for an enlargement

Modified Hall No 7908 once named Henshall Hall blasts an early evening express out of the station past Banbury South signal box. I have no further details and can only add that this had been a Tyseley loco since 1955 and its filthy condition and lack of nameplates suggest that withdrawal (in October 1965) was not far away. Author's collection.
Click on the image for an enlargement
GWR period

In 1933, C.F.H. Oldham took three pictures of GWR 4-4-0s on shed at Banbury and this one shows "Bulldog" No 3399 Ottawa having arrived from the north and running into the depot. A William Dean loco going back to 1904, was this the most elegant 4-4-0 ever designed? 16.11.1933 (but may actually be 19.11.33). Photo: C.F.H. Oldham.
Click on the image for a full-size version. Return by clicking the "x".

"Bulldog" No 3395 Tasmania stands in the shade on the east side of the running shed. 19.11.1933. Photo: C.F.H. Oldham.
Click on the image for a full-size version. Return by clicking the "x".

A low sun reflects off "Duke" No 3276. Originally No 3287 St.Agnes it was rebuilt with a Belpaire firebox but was denamed in 1930. It is believed to have been allocated to Leamington Spa around the same time. 19.11.1933. Photo: C.F.H. Oldham.
Click on the image for a full-size version. Return by clicking the "x".

Banbury loco shed in 1935, probably a Sunday judging by the large number of locos to be seen. The line on the left is most interesting and a close-up follows. Photo: LGRP.

An enlargement of the line-up in the 1935 general view shows, from left to right: Dean goods No 2383; an unnamed "Bulldog"; a GC-design ROD 2-8-0; and possibly a 43xxx 2-6-0. Photo: LGRP.

On a dank day in 1937, Collett 0-4-2T No 4830 stands by the shed. My apologies for the quality of this picture but the print is dark and dirty and a fix via Photoshop can't make the sun shine! Photo: H.C.Casserley.

Running out of Banbury Loco past Banbury South signal box towards the the station on the Down main line in 1937 is Woodford's C4 No 5261, which was there from 1932-37. It may have have arrived at Banbury with a cross-country express from the north and been turned before its next working. These locos were eventually displaced by newly-built B17 4-6-0s. Photo: Millbrook House Ltd.
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One of the first series of B17s, probably in 1937, No 2835 Milton was captured at Banbury South near the exit from Banbury Loco, presumably about to work a northbound cross-country express. The "Footballer" version with a larger tender would take over on these duties. Photo: Photomatic.
Click on the image for an enlargement
Post-WWII and early BR

A map of the shed showing extra sidings alongside the running shed and WWII addition of ash pit shelters to hide glowing embers from Luftwaffe night attacks. A re-working of the map in E.Lyon's OPC book about GWR Loco Sheds with some extra detail.
Click on the image for a full-size version. Return by clicking the "x".

"Dukedog" 4-4-0 No 3211 waits over the ashpit on the approach to the shed yard with an 0-6-2T behind it. In the distance, a down passenger runs past Banbury South Signal Box into the station. July this may have been but our hero wasn't blessed with good weather during this visit! 20.7.46. Photo: H.C. Casserley.
Click on the image for a full-size version. Return by clicking the "x".

It was a while before the grime of WWII gave way to a semblance of the pre-War scene, witness this Collett 0-6-2T, No 6629, parked in the shed yard. At least the company's initial can still be seen. Nationalisation would come, but not for a year and a half. 20.7.46. Photo: H.C. Casserley.
Click on the image for a full-size version. Return by clicking the "x".

An awfully weary "Aberdare" 2-6-0 No 2669 rests in front of the running shed while the crew takes water. These were the last years at Banbury for the increasingly elderly "Aberdare" and "Dukedog" types and a new turning of the page. 20th July 1946. Photo: H.C. Casserley.
Click on the image for a full-size version. Return by clicking the "x".

A rather apt post-WWII scene on 20th April 1949 sees a grimy 2826 and a slightly cleaner 14xx in GWR livery but, alas, unreadable number. Photo: Coltas Trust.

Banbury had Collett 0-6-2Ts but on Sunday, 29th May 1949, No 6600 was a visitor from Oxley. Photo: Author's collection.
Click on the image for an enlargement

In this picture from 1949, ex-GCR designed ROD 2-8-0 No 3016 with GWR-style safery valves and cast number plate on the cab side is in fine condition after being out-shopped. The only indication of BR ownership is the newly-attached number on the smokebox door. The tender is blank with neither text "BRITISH RAILWAYS" nor BR crest, and at the front end on the side of the running plate, the shed allocation is painted in GWR-style. See detail view below. Photo: Mick Green collection.

A closer view of the above ex-ROD No.3016 showing the BR-style number-plate on the smokebox door and GWR-style shed code for Oxley painted on the side of the running plate. It is believed that the cast shed plates didn't star being used by ex-GWR sheds until 1950 when Banbury became 84C. Photo: Mick Green Collection.
1950s and early '60s

BR introduced cast iron shed plates based on LMS practice and Banbury became 84C. This example is in ex-loco condition. They didn't start appearing on ex-GWR locos until 1950. Mick Green collection.

It's a Sunday afternoon on Bonfire Night in 1950 and two of Banbury's locos stand side by side, both in BR black, mixed traffic livery, although that's quite hard to confirm on the Churchward 2-6-0 to the right.
Loco number and shed plates on the smoke box door were pretty standard by now, although not always picked out. To the left is Collett 0-4-2T No 1411 with its 84C plate in plain black, while, to the right, No 5391 has had its shed plate outlined - but the number "9" on the number plate has mysteriously not been picked out. 5th November 1950. Photo: F.A. Blencowe.
My apologies for the dust-covered picture but many recent prints from the Blencowe Archive have been like this and I have only been able to clear up the worst blemishes.
Click on the image for a full-size version. Return by clicking the "x".

In this view from 1950, 6858 Cleeve Grange is at the north end of the shed. The loco appears to be in GWR condition without a smokebox number plate but a dust-covered shed plate. The tender, is too dirty to make anything out.
Banbury gasworks is in the background with, partly visible behind the tender, the original 19th century gasholder and the vastly larger, new one built in 1932. Photo: Real Photographs, Mick Green collection.

Another view from 1950 shows "Dukedog" No 9008 moving forward by the shed. Both number and shed plates are being carried. Photo: Real Photographs. Mick Green collection.

Collett's 2251 class was allocated to Banbury during the early 1950s, presumably taking over from Dean Goods for freight traffic over lines like the route through Chipping Norton and Hook Norton. Seen around 1950-52, No 3251 is outside the covered ash pits. Photo: Steve Banks collection.

By the early 1950s the ex-ROD 2-8-0s were in their final years of service. No 3026 is one of a pair seen at Banbury on 24th May 1955. Photo: F.A. Blencowe.
Click on the image for an enlargement

The history of the GCR-design ex-ROD 2-8-0s from WW1 acquired by the GWR in the 1920s is complex and it's often forgotten that 46 were still in service at Nationalisation, of which five lasted until 1957-60. This view shows one of them, No 3024, on 5th June 1952. Alas, the shed-plate is not legible and I can find no allocation details. Photo: F.A. Blencowe.
There's a much better picture of another example, No 3016, in ex-works condition at Banbury in 1949 below, and No 3026 in 1955.
Click on the image for an enlargement

A sparklingly clean, ex-works Churchward 2-8-0T, No 5218 carrying an 86A Newport shedplate, stands by the shed yard. Photo: F.A. Blencowe.
Click on the image for a full-size version. Return by clicking the "x".

An increasingly rare example of a Churchward 2-8-0 still in the early condition without steam pipes, quite a distinctive sight by this time. No 2868 from 82C Swindon stands by the east side of the shed, alongside a WD 2-8-0. 13th June 1954. Photo: F.A. Blencowe.
Click on the image for a full-size version. Return by clicking the "x".

It can be hard to realise that Churchward's heavy freight 4-6-0 came from 1919, a time when large-boilered locos were being designed for mixed traffic duties around the country. Four of these nine locos spent many years allocated to Oak Oak Common and occasionally worked to Banbury. This is No 4701 on Friday, 27th August 1954. Photo: F.A. Blencowe.
Click on the image for a full-size version. Return by clicking the "x".

A visitor from Taunton (83B), "Modified Hall" Benthall Hall was probably photographed against the sun because of its rarity in north Oxfordshire. It's on the east side of the coaling stage and water tower.29th August 1954. Photo: F.A.Blencowe.

The Riddles 3MT 2-6-0s in the 77xxx series were built at Swindon from early 1954 and No 77006 is seen at Banbury on 13th June of that year. No shed plate has been attached, only the base plate with the letters "SC", and although not in the pink, it looks as if on trial. It was subsequently part of the ten allocated to former LMS sheds in Scotland. Photo: F.A. Blencowe.
Click on the image for a full-size version. Return by clicking the "x".

It's late November in 1954 and a Banbury 28xx, No 2867, is on one of the roads south of the turntable. 24.11.54. Photo F.A. Blencowe.
Click on the image for a larger version. Return by clicking the "x".

Banbury's No 6879 Overton Grange basks in the afternoon sun in the mid-1950s. Note the clean-looking tender in the background with GWR lettering. Photo: Author's collection.
Click on the image for a larger version. Return by clicking the "x".

A sparkling ex-works "Grange" 4-6-0 in 1955, 84E Tyseley's No 6853 Morehampton Grange basks in the sun on a fine Sunday afternoon on 30th January 1955. Photo: F.A.Blencowe.
Click on the image for a full-size version. Return by clicking the "x".

Some of the shed roads between the buildings were hard to photograph on an evening, especially in winter, and this was 30th January 1955, a Sunday. Four Pannier tanks can be seen with No 3694 on the right. 2-8-0 No 2894 stands just right of centre. The corrugated iron repair shop stands high over the scene. Photo: F.A.Blencowe.

Later the same year and ex-GWR 2-8-0 No 3939 is on shed; it was a Tyseley loco. 30th July 1955. Photo: F.A. Blencowe.
Click on the image for an enlargement

"Castle" Class No 4081 Warwick Castle stands over the screened ash pits. In the mid-1950s this one was at Llandore. Still elegant, but alas no longer being looked after. 29th August 1954. Photo: F.A. Blencowe.
Click on the image for a full-size version. Return by clicking the "x".

A marvellous capture from 28th August 1955 of changing times that spanned half a century of loco design. Starting with the oldest, on the right stands "Dukedog" No 9010, whose presence at Banbury cannot be explained for it was allocated to Oswestry at the time.
To the left is Pannier tank No 3751 which was at Stourbridge Jc from 1951 and transferred to Didcot w/e 10.9.55. It looks as if Banbury may have kept it for a while during its reallocation.
Banbury's diesel shunters were photographed rarely, which is disappointing given that five brand-new ones were sent here between February-March 1955, Nos 13106-13110 (later D3106-D3110). When seen here this shunter would only have been a few months old. After Banbury shed closed, it was moved to Tyseley and several other sheds before withdrawal in 1980. Phtoto: F.A.Blencowe, F234/20.
Click on the image for a larger version. Return by clicking the "x".

A sunny day on 9th October 1955 finds two Halls next to each other at Banbury with one of the original ones, No 4942 Maindy Hall, leading. The row of water columns shows well. This is the Hall that was rescued from Barry and is currently undergoing conversion into a Saint at Didcot. Photo: F.A.Blencowe.

Light Pannier tank No 5407 simmers in the afternoon sun outside the running shed. 1955. Most were auto-fitted for the push & pull service to Princes Risborough. Photo: M.Green collection.

"Modified Hall" 7903 Foremarke Hall (81A) takes coal on the eastern side of the stage. Photo: F.A. Blencowe.

The partially stripped ash shelter on the west side sees 28xx No 2866 (86E) from Severn Tunnel Junction. 21st October, 1956. It is believed that the roof and one side of the shelter was taken down because it was acting like a wind tunnel with ash flying in the air, a nuisance. Photo: R.K. Blencowe collection.

A miserable day on 30th December 1956 finds Hereford's 43xx 2-6-0 with the early cab, No 6308, at the north-east end of the shed yard. In BR days it was rare to find one of these in a clean condition and they were soon being withdrawn. Photo: F.A.Blencowe.
Click on the image for a full-size version. Return by clicking the "x".

Another 43xx at Banbury, this time one of the more modern ones with side window cab. It was nevertheless withdrawn by 1961. Much used in the Thames valley, No 9313 was an 81C Southall loco. 16th February 1957. Photo: F.A.Blencowe.
Click on the image for a full-size version. Return by clicking the "x".

No 2844 was one of the first series of Churchward 28xx locos and retained its original cab when seen at Banbury on Sunday 24th March 1957. It was a Severn Tunnel Junction loco at the time. Photo: F.A. Blencowe.
Click on the image for an enlargement

In a scene from 1957, with one of the shelters over the ash pits still in place, minus its roof, the walls serving as a wind-break, Banbury's 2-6-0 No 6331 is in fairly clean condition and dropping its fire. 4th April 1957. Photo: F.A. Blencowe.
Click on the image for a larger version. Return by clicking the "x".

Sunday 4th August 1957 finds light Pannier tank No.5404 in black livery just outside the running shed. Note the elaborately prepared pile of coal in the bunker! Photo: F.A.Blencowe, F319-4.
Click on the image for a larger version. Return by clicking the "x".

By 1958 there were only three of the original series 43xx 2-6-0s left, 4358, 4375, and 4377 seen here on one of the turntable roads at the south end of the depot. Photographed against an afternoon sun, it's a pleasing portrait with the most enormous pile of coal in the tender I have ever seen, with large lumps piled up like a mountain cairn! An 89C (Machynlleth) shed plate was being carried. 20th April 1958. Photo: Author's collection.
Click on the image for a larger version. Return by clicking the "x".

Another original Hall, No 4924 Eydon Hall, catches the sun at Banbury on 27th December 1958. The actual hall was half a dozen miles away by the Banbury Branch to Woodford Halse. Photo: F.A.Blencowe.

2251 Class 0-6-0s were at Banbury during the 1950s but were replaced by more powerful locos. No 2234 had arrived from Shrewsbury and on 27th December 1958 was among others in store. It went on to Worcester but had been withdrawn by 1962. Photo: R.K. Blencowe negative archive.
Click on the image for an enlargement

Two WD 2-8-0s by the repair shop. 90429 (56A Wakefield) is to the left minus its tender, while recently shopped 90313 (84C) is to the right with its chimney sheeted over. 27th March 1959. Photo: F.A. Blencowe.

Ex-works ex-GWR 2-8-0 No 2851 stands in the shed yard on 21st April 1959 with what appears to be an 84C shedplate. The caption on the back states "and shed foreman". Photo: SV Blencowe Collection

Previously believed to be Shed Master George Holland, E.J. Wilding's grandson have come forward, thank you, to identity his grandfather.

A pleasing view of Pannier tank No 5424, formerly of 88J Aberdare, on 15th August 1959 at the south end of Banbury shed where three sidings radiated from the turntable. Photo: S.V. Blencowe collection.

A grey early-autumnal Saturday with smoke drifting across the shed yard finds two of Banbury's locos in front of the running shed. The 2-8-0, No 2816, is awfully dirty and No 6839 Hewell Grange is not much better. 19th September 1959. Photo: R.K.Blencowe collection.
Click on the image for a larger version. Return by clicking the "x".

One of two pictures showing light Pannier tank No 5417 out of use in the sidings south of the turntable. The date is given as "1958" but this is suspect: it was more likely to have been in late spring of 1960. Formerly at Gloucester, the loco had spent just over three months at Neasden before transfer to Banbury, which was recorded as w/e 27.2.60. At first, it was in sparkling external condition and was used with auto coach Wren but by late spring it had been put in store, as seen here. Withdrawal came in January 1961. Photo: B.K.B. Green.
Click on the image for a larger version. Return by clicking the "x".

A better view of 5417 taken in spring 1960. The lined green livery shows quite well. Photo: B.K.B. Green.
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2-8-0 No 2834 stands by the shed on 15th April 1960. After several years at Banbury it was about to be transferred to Cardiff Canton. Photo: Collection S.V. Blencowe.
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Seen running light at Banbury South on 14th May 1960, light Pannier No 5420 is still carrying the early BR livery and is so plastered in dirt that somebody had wiped "WELLS FARGO" (probably after a Wild West TV series from the time) on the side. The only counter seem to have been to clean up part of the cab and round the BR totem; of the text, the only attempt to fix the insult was to smear the first word. Photo: F.A.Blencowe. F1351B
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Standing on shed and looking very clean, it's likely that Swindon's No 7031 Cromwell's Castle had arrived ex-works on a running-in turn. 30th July 1960. Photo: F.A. Blencowe.
Click on the image for an enlargement

One of Banbury's original "Hall" Class 4-6-0s No 5933 Kingsway Hall shows off its lines in front of the running shed on Monday 5th September 1960. Photo: R.K. Blencowe negative archive.
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A fine sunny day on 5th September 1960 at the south end of the turntable and the storage sidings sees a visitor from Shrewsbury (89A) between duties. It's No 7809 Childrey Manor still looking quite smart.
Behind it is what looks like Banbury's ex-WD "Austerity" 2-8-0 No 90483. It had arrived from Leamington Spa in 4w/e 5.9.59 for a spell that lasted just over three years until 4w/e 2.12.62. Photo: R.K. Blencowe.
Click on the image for an enlargement

An example of a "modified Hall" stands nearby on the same day. It's Banbury's No 7905 Fowey Hall. Photo: R.K. Blencowe negative archive.
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Christmas day sees another visitor on shed, Old Oak Common's "Modified Hall" No 7904 Fountains Hall. Next to it is 41xx "Prairie" 2-6-2T No 4154, one of a pair allocated to the Banbury at the time. 25th December 1960. Photo: F.A. Blencowe.
Click on the image for an enlargement

The driver buttons his coat on a miserable day in February by a recently shopped visiting "Hall", No 5994 Roydon Hall from 85A Worcester. 12.2.61. Photograph: F.A. Blencowe
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No 3860 was a second series 2-8-0 with a side-window cab and was looking quite smart when captured on 8th April 1961 while it was an 86J Aberdare loco. Note how high the small tenders were piled with coal. Photo: F.A. Blencowe.
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A visitor from Swindon (82C). No 5000 Launceston Castle with flat-sided tender, is being turned the hard way, by lever handle and much effort! 8th April 1961. Photo F.A. Blencowe.
Click on the image for a larger version. Return by clicking the "x".

Sunday, 2nd April 1961 and one of Old Oak Common's "Kings", No 6026 King John, had been coaled and parked beyond the turntable, still carrying Express lights. Photo: W.A. Brown.
Click on the image for a full-size version. Return by clicking the "x".

A midday sun shines on an Old Oak Common "Hall", recently shopped No 5923 Colston Hall. Also quite clean is one of Banbury's residents standing behind, No 6952 Kimberley Hall. Sunday, 16th April 1961. Photo: R.K. Blencowe collection.
Click on the image for a larger version. Return by clicking the "x".

In almost the same location on Sunday 7th May 1961 is "King" class No. 6010 King Charles 1 of Old Oak Common. The Class was often to be found at Banbury shed but I have not been able to identify the working.
Banbury's "Prairie" tank No 5152 parked ahead of it was at the shed from 1955-61. Photo: F.A. Blencowe.
Click on the image for an enlargement

Parked at the far end of the shed beyond the turntable is a "Grange" 4-6-0 from Tyseley, No 6866 Morfa Grange. Just visible alongside is Old Oak Common's 6010 King Charles I. 7th May 1961. Photo: F.A. Blencowe.
Click on the image for an enlargement

28xx 2-8-0 No 2859 (86G, Pontypool Road) projects out of the repair shop with its coupling rods down. 13th August 1961. Photo: F.A. Blencowe.

A high late August sun bathes one of Tyseley's "Modified Halls", No 7918 Rhose Wood Hall. It was from the final batch and only ten more were to be built. I suspect that the ring is a blemish on the negative. 28.8.61. Photo: R.K. Blencowe Negative Archive.
Click on the image for a larger version. Return by clicking the "x".

One of Banbury's stalwart ex-GWR 2-8-0s, No 3809 is captured in front of the running shed on an autumnal Saturday evening, 16th September 1961. It was a relatively modern side-window cab version built in 1939 and spent three years here from 4w/e 28.1.61 to 11.4.64. Note how high the coal had been stacked in the tender. Photo: F.A. Blencowe.
Click on the image for an enlargement

One of Banbury's "Halls", No 6911 Holker Hall rests in the shade on the north side of the running shed on Sunday, 8th October 1961. Photo: R.K. Blencowe collection.

A second view from the same day shows another Banbury "Hall", paired with the later tender, No 4964 Rodwell Hall. It's still carrying express lights. Thursday, 10th August 961. Photo: R.K. Blencowe collection.
Click on the image for a larger version. Return by clicking the "x".

It's Saturday 28th October 1961 and another loco from Tyseley, one of the light 4-6-0s with small tender, No 7813 Freshford Manor, is parked at the north end of the loco yard. The weeds were already running amok with the look of a future a Barry but steam was to serve here for another five years and ex-GWR locos continued to be overhauled by Swindon. Photo: R.K. Blencowe Negative Archive.
Click on the image for a larger version. Return by clicking the "x".

First of the class, Riddles 9F No 92000 stands on one of the sidings beside the running shed and the repair shop, under repair with the coupling rods down. 4th November 1961. Photo: M.Green collection.

A "Hall" from Old Oak Common, No 6978 Haroldstone Hall waits with a full tender by the coaling stage. 27th January 1962. Photo F.A. Blencowe.
Click on the image for a larger version. Return by clicking the "x".

Simmering gently on a dank winter Saturday are two heavy freight visitors, BR and the almost dainty ex-GWR equivalent from half a century earlier still going strong. On the left stands Riddles double-chimney 9F No 92005 from 86A Newport (Ebbw Junction). Alongside is Churchward 2-8-0 No 2856 from 84B Oxley. 27th January 1962. Photo: F.A. Blencowe.
Click on the image for an enlargement

Gleaming on an otherwise drab day in February 1962 is Banbury's "Modified Hall", No 7905 Fowey Hall. I remember these years well, when clean locos were still to be seen gracing the railway, disappearing slowly. It wasn't until the late '60s on the LMR that hideous rust-buckets become the norm. 17.2.62 Photograph: F.A. Blencowe
Click on the image for a larger version. Return by clicking the "x".

An unusual visitor in 1962 was NCB 0-6-2T No 67 Gordon en route to Caerphilly Works. A common wheel arrangement on Welsh mineral railways, it had been built in 1897 by the Taff Vale Railway and then served under the GWR, before going to the Longmoor Military Railway and, after WWII, to the NCB in the North-East of England. Seen at Banbury on 17th February 1962 carrying LNER-style lined green. Photo: F.A. Blencowe.
It had been donated for preservation and I'd guess that the goods brake van contained the coupling rods. Its working life finally ended in 1997. It was restored cosmetically and is now homed in GWR livery at the Gwili Railway alongside a TVR carriage.
Click on the image for an enlargement

Formerly at Old Oak Common and in the last few month of its life, 1505 stands by the ash pits at Banbury on Wednesday, 25th April 1962. Photo: S.V. Blencowe collection.

My apologies for a poor picture but Hawksworth "Counties" were rarely captured at Banbury and this one seems to have been caught as it passed the photographer on a poor day in May. No. 1016 County of Hants was one of the substantial allocation to Shrewsbury. Saturday 5th May 1962. S.V. Blencowe collection.
Click on the image for an enlargement

And finally for now, another Collett "King" at Banbury, this time parked on the east side of the running shed where the afternoon light was not very kind. No 6000 King George V was at Old Oak Common through most of the BR era. Saturday 9th June 1962. Photo: F.A. Blencowe.
Click on the image for an enlargement

One of Tyseley's 2-8-0s, No 3839, is at the throat of the lines into the shed. The breakdown train is behind and, in the distance, the repair shed and a cluster of parked locos.
Click on the image for a larger version. Return by clicking the "x".

9th August 1962 finds 7806 Cockington Manor and an unidentified "Hall" at the north end of the depot. It's impossible to tell if they are stationary or on the move, although I suspect the latter as the original print is sloping quite a bit, like a rushed shot. Photo: S.V. Blencowe collection.

The evening sun is not kind to the unkempt condition of Didcot's "Prairie" tank No 6136. Part of the coach from the breakdown train can be seen. 5th September, 1962.

The middle of the long cold winter of 1962-63 and the coldest January in central England for 150 years, sees a "Hall" from 89A Shrewsbury by the side of the shed on 13th January: No.6964 Thornbridge Hall. Alongside is Tyseley's No.7823 Hook Norton Manor. I wonder if that was the real subject of this picture? Photo: F.A. Blencowe.
Click on the image for an enlargement

Parked on the ash pits on 2nd February 1963 is a "rebuilt Hall" with smooth-sided tender from 84E Tyseley, No 7929 Wyke Hall. Behind it stands a 72xx 2-8-2T, of which Banbury had three at the time. Photo: F.A. Blencowe.
Click on the image for an enlargement

This ex-LYR "Crab" 2-6-0, No 42944, parked by the east side of the running shed was from Birkenhead, which was had been a joint LMS(LNWR)/GWR shed coded by BR as 6C in the LMR division and still containing a mixture of types from both companies. 16th February 1963. Photo: F.A.Blencowe.
Click on the image for a full-size version. Return by clicking the "x".

Snow lies on the ground as another of Taunton's 2-8-0s, No 2822, is turned on 16th February 1962. Photo: F.A. Blencowe.

Churchward 2-8-0 No 4701 of Old Oak Common is turned at the south end of Banbury shed. 13th April, 1963. With thanks to Chris Long for spotting my blooper re the wheel arrangement! Photo: S.V. Blencowe collection.

Early spring 1963 finds Banbury Prairie tank No 4105 by the coaling stage. Photo: D. Battersby.

Another picture from spring 1963 shows an unidentified "Hall" and Stanier "Mogul" No 42976 (Nuneaton), scrapped later that year. Photo: D. Battersby.

One of two pictures taken on 6th April 1963, ex-LMS "Jubilee" No 45660 Rooke stands at the north end of the depot. No shed plate is being carried but the loco is believed to have been allocated to Shrewsbury at the time. Photo: F.A.Blencowe.

Also seen on 6th April 1963 at the north end of the shed, Riddles 9F No 92214, a Tyseley loco. Photo: F.A.Blencowe.

A pleasing view from April 1963 shows 7822 Foxcote Manor on the ashpits. The records show that in October 1963 this was an Oswestry loco but the shed plate on the picture cannot be made out. Since preserved. Photo: Mick Green collection.

The sun catches the crew turning 2882 (83B Taunton) manually. Whole area of the print is shown, date not known. T.E.Titley.

Almost surrounded by bushes at the south end of the shed on the three sidings beyond the turntable, stand two Banbury locos: 2-8-2T No 7218 and Collett 0-6-0 No 2289. This was the natural end of the site for the River Cherwell loops round behind the bushes. 13th July 1963. Photo: F.A.Blencowe.

The final view in this batch was taken on Saturday afternoon, 6th June 1963 and shows a later "Hall" with smooth-sided tender from 82A Bristol (Bath Road), No 6919 Tylney Hall. Photo: F.A. Blencowe.
Click on the image for an enlargement

A high sun falls on 3835, an 86E Severn Tunnel Junction 2-8-0. 21st July 1963. Photo: F.A. Blencowe.

A 2-6-0 from 81E Didcot, No.6379, is seen by the bicycle shed near the turntable at the far end of the shed. 27th July 1963. Photo: S.V. Blencowe collection.
Click on the image for an enlargement

A double-chimney "Castle" from Old Oak Common is still carrying Express lights over the front buffers, No 7035 Ogmore Castle. Alongside stands one of Banbury's diesel shunters, D3188, later Class 08 of course. Saturday 10th August 1963. Photograph: F.A. Blencowe
Click on the image for a larger version. Return by clicking the "x".

Churchward 2-8-0 No 3828 had been a Welsh loco for many years and was transferred to Banbury in December 1962. It is seen here on 12th August 1963 between a fellow member of the class and a "Prairie" tank. S.V. Blencowe collection.
Click on the image for an enlargement

You wonder if 6936 Breccles Hall was a rogue loco because in BR days it was allocated to 10 sheds? It was on 88L Cardiff East Dock's books when it visited Banbury on 2nd February 1963. Photo: F.A. Blencowe.
Click on the image for an enlargement
When the Riddles Britannias allocated to East Anglia were transferred to Immingham, that shed was delighted and for a while kept them nice and clean. One was used on the daily express to Leeds Central, returning later the same day. Others were used on the fish trains to Banbury, routed via Doncaster and Mansfield, picking up the GC London Extension at Nottingham. For a long time this had been a working for Woodford Halse locos and crews and I am not sure when the change took place. Use of Britannias was another short phase and I've only found one picture so far, shown below:

Seen at Banbury on 10th August 1963, Immingham-allocated "Britannia" No 70036 Boadicea had arrived with a fish train from Grimsby. The leading bogie failed and as can be seen, had to be removed for repair. Nevertheless, it was yet to be completely caked with grime and the nameplate was still gracing the loco. Phtoto: F.A.Blencowe.
Click on the image for a larger version. Return by clicking the "x".

Double chimney "Castle" No 7035 Ogmore Castle (81A) between the coaling stage and the turntable. 10th August 1963. Photo: F.A.Blencowe.
Click on the image for a larger version. Return by clicking the "x".

Banbury had several "Prairie" tanks but they were not captured on film very often. Here is 4154 on Wednesday, 21st August 1963. Drifting steam has almost concealed one of the diesel shunters at work in the goods yard by the station. On the right, a 9F is taking water at the outermost water column. Photo: Coltas Trust.
Click on the image for a larger version. Return by clicking the "x".
The final phase in the steam era

September 1963 saw Banbury transferred to the LMR and the shed recoded 2D. Mick Green collection.

Seen on the east side of the coaling stage where the afternoon light was always poor and photographers tended not to go, stands a "Grange" from Tyseley, No 6879 Overton Grange. Saturday 21st September 1963. Photo: R.K. Blencowe Collection.
Click on the image for a larger version. Return by clicking the "x".

It's mid-afternoon in late November and the sun is beginning cast long shadows across the yard but all the locos in sight are ex-GWR. Nearest the camera is No 3857, one of Banbury's 8Fs. The small tenders were an anachronism, witness the carefully constructed pile of coal in the background! Sunday 24.11.63 Photo: R.K. Blencowe Negative Archive.
Click on the image for a larger version. Return by clicking the "x".

This colour slide taken on a murky day in December 1963 isn't the best but it's a pleasing view from the coaling stage of a recently overhauled "Hall", No 6937 Conyngham Hall of Didcot. Photo: Author's collection.
Click on the image for an enlargement

General view of the shed in 1964. Two 9Fs stannd on the left with a Black 5 in the middle, and 7029 Clun Castle. Barely visible just inside the shed is an unidentified Peppercorn A1. Photo: RK Blencowe Negative Archive.

Another scene from 1964, possibly a Sunday with many locos on shed. Identifiable from left to right are: 2-8-0 No 3845 (Banbury), 6923 Croxteth Hall (Oxford), and 7912 Little Linford Hall (Banbury). Photo: T. Longstaffe.

A fine summer sun on Friday, 18th June 1964 falls on Banbury's No 3828. Behind it is a glimpse of one of Banbury's 72xx 2-8-2 heavy tanks, No 7207. Photo F.A.Blencowe.

"West Country" Pacific No 34105 Swanage eases off the turntable on Saturday 12th September 1964. The body and tender sides are refreshingly clean, but no smokebox shed plate is being carried. The loco had been allocated to Bournemouth for some time and had recently been transferred to Eastleigh. It was photographed later the same day at Basingstoke on what may have been the return working of the Newcastle-Bournemouth cross-country express. Photo F.A. Blencowe.
Click on the image for a larger version. Return by clicking the "x".

A grand portrait of the coaling stage and Tyseley's double-chimney 9F No 92212 on a blustery day in October. 24th October 1964. Photo: F.A. Blencowe.
Click on the image for a full-size version. Return by clicking the "x".

A view in BR days inside the running shed of a York B1, No 61275, on 25th July 1964. It could have arrived on a fast fitted freight. Photo: F.A. Blencowe.
Click on the image for an enlargement

It's 23rd January 1965 as 73025 (6D Shrewsbury) is captured at the south end of the depot on the line leading to the turntable. Photo: F.A.Blencowe.

Another view on the same day, at the north end of the shed with an improbable-looking visitor, Thompson K1 2-6-0 No 62046, one of quite a large batch allocated to York (50A) which had probably taken the place of a V2 working. In the background stands one of Banbury's own, 6951 Impney Hall". 23.1.65. F.A. Blencowe.
Click on the image for a larger version. Return by clicking the "x".

By 1961 Banbury had an allocation of five heavy 2-8-2 tanks (Nos 7207/28/36/44/46) although I don't know when they arrived nor the traffic they were intended for. By the summer of 1965 they were down to three, including No 7221 which was captured here in winter on 24th January 1966. Photo: Steve Banks collection.

No 92139, one of Saltey's single chimney 9Fs with BR1C tender (whose capacity of 9 tons was two tons higher than the "standard" tender) is captured near the shed, obscenely coated with lime-stained overflow. Photo: M.L. Boakes.
Click on the image for an enlargement

A sunny day in May 1965 finds 2-8-0 No. 3820 (Southall) taking water. 12th May 1965. Photo: Blencowe collection.

A long line of locos by the coal stage is headed by 6953 Leighton Hall (Didcot), alas minus nameplates. 12th May 1965. Photo: Blencowe collection.

Locos from Ebbw Junction (Newport) were regular visitors to Banbury; this is double chimney 9F No 92226. 12th May 1965. Photo: Blencowe collection.

Now, a pair of pictures at the coaling stage, beginning with a 2-8-0, No 3842 from Severn Tunnel Junction. It's looking pretty tired and the smokebox door number is no longer in place. 12th May 1965. Photo: Blencowe collection.

Another visitor by the coaling stage, this time facing south with its blower on - it is not charging by (magazine editors have been known to confuse such pictures)! It's No 6823 Oakley Grange from Oxley and the crew is seeing to the coal in the tender. Looks like the loco is still carrying its train lights, for a fully fitted goods or a parcels/ECS train. Not a pretty sight, especially with the smokebox number and the nameplates removed. 12th May 1965. Photo: Blencowe collection.

Leamington Spa's Riddles 2-6-4T No 80072, often used on the Greaves Siding-Ardley and back limestone working, has been pressed into more menial duties. Saturday, 12th June 1965. Photo F.A. Blencowe.
Click on the image for a larger version. Return by clicking the "x".

This ex-LMS Ivatt 2-6-0, No.46522, was transferred from Bescot to Banbury around 1965 and is seen at virtually the same place as the ex-GWR 2-6-0 above. Dating from 1946, the Ivatts were not as powerful but some thirty years more modern. Photo: R.K. Blencowe archive.
Click on the image for an enlargement

No. 3836 (87A Neath) simmers on the short sidings south of the turntable with the snow plough nearby. This is a rare view that shows the layout at the south end of the depot with the terminal end of the loco shed, the stationary boiler, and to the right, the repair shop. You'd have thought that more photographs were taken to capture the scene but so far, this is the best one. 18th July 1965. Photo: S.K.Blencowe collection.

A low wintry sun falls across Riddles 2-10-0 No 92001 in quite a busy scene on Saturday, 11th December 1965. Note the braziers ready for use with rough piles of coal alongside, a device to guard against freezing temperatures.

One of Banbury's double-chimney 9Fs No 92213 on the move at the entrance to the engine shed. 14th September 1965. Photo: Author's collection.
Click on the image for a full-size version. Return by clicking the "x".
Britannias at Banbury
I tend to be wary of run-down periods and death throes because there was a tendency for locos to be moved around not only a lot, but for short periods. A detailed analysis can result in pages of detail which, in the round, was not significant and certainly not representative of long-established practices which could be measured in decades rather than months.
Neverthless, there's a bit of a theme regarding Britannias and after asking why 70050 had been photographed at Banbury on New Year's Day 1966, Tony Saville came to the rescue to point out that it was one of seven Britannias allocated to Banbury en-bloc in September 1965. All nameless and filthy but I like to give the names which they had carried so elegantly:
70046 Anzac 70047 (un-named) 70050 Firth of Clyde 70051 Firth of Forth 70052 Firth of Tay 70053 Moray Firth 70054 Dornoch Firth
Four had come from Crewe, two from Oxley and one from Holyhead. I personally knew 70053/54 when they graced Holbeck shed in Leeds but that trio (including 70044 Early Haig) was dispersed in the early 1960s. I even saw two of them at Crewe soon after. They were dismal times as former top link Pacifics were moved around into increasingly less demanding duties while acquiring ever more filth, and removal of such wonderful nameplates.
Quite why seven Riddles Pacifics were transferred to Banbury I have yet to determine (use with Cross-Country expresses over the GC London Extension has been suggested) nor why after only four months (in January 1966) they were just as abruptly removed and sent to Carlisle. Meanwhile, here are two pictures, both taken on New Year's Day in 1966:

Riddles "Britannia" No 70053 used to be named Moray Firth and one of three allocated to Holbeck in Leeds but arrival of "Peak" Type 4s caused their dispersal to the WCML. Coupled to a relatively rare BR1D tender (only built for the last ten "Britannias"), for a short while it was a Banbury loco carrying an elegantly painted 2D on the smokebox door and is seen here on New Year's Day in 1966. The smoke deflectors had been "Westernised" by removal of the long, top handrail although that had been done many years earlier. Express Passenger lights are being carried.
To the right stands a pair of 9Fs. Photo: F.A. Blencowe.
Click on the image for a full-size version. Return by clicking the "x".

Captured on the same day, "Britannia" No. 70050, alas minus its nameplates (Firth of Clyde) but being attended to at the far end of the shed. It still had the original, elegant handrails on the smoke-deflectors. Behind it was ex-SR "West Country" No, 34058 Templecombe. It's hard to tell but it looks like it was still carrying its nameplates. Beyond stands a Stanier 8F with a Fowler tender. Photo: F.A. Blencowe.
Click on the image for an enlargement

Parked deep inside the shed on 16th February 1966 is another double-chimney 9F No 92234, one of Tyseley's. Photo: F.A. Blencowe.
Click on the image for a full-size version. Return by clicking the "x".

A grimy "Black Five", No 44808 from Oxley poses alongside a schoolboy... I wonder who? 26th February 1966. Photo: F.A.Blencowe.
Click on the image for a larger version. Return by clicking the "x".

It was sad to see such magnificent Bulleid locos bereft of nameplates and covered in filth - only the lower part of the cab side and part of the tender had been given a wipe. "West Country" Pacific No 34001 Exeter was a fairly typical example of the survivors at Nine Elms. April 1966. Photo: R.K. Blencowe Negative Archive.
Click on the image for a full-size version. Return by clicking the "x".

A Tyseley 9F, No 92002 at Banbury on 29th April 1966, the recent efforts of the paint shop only spoiled by priming. Photo: G.W. Sharpe.
Click on the image for a larger version. Return by clicking the "x".

A general view of the depot during the week on Tuesday 31st May 1966. At least three ex-LMS locos stand on the left, including two "Black Fives"; then an unidentified Riddles 9F; and on the far right, No 7029 Clun Castle. Photo: R.S.Carpenter.
Taken the same day in 1966, ex-LMS "Black 5" 44825 with "COLK" for Colwick painted on the smokebox door has been set to face north (the turntable is just visible behind the tender), and is passing the running shed. It had probably arrived via Woodford Halse and the Banbury Branch. 31.5.66. Photo: R.S.Carpenter.

9F No 92215 served at Banbury and Tyseley and on 29th April 1966 is seen on a sunny morning by the east side of the coaling stage. It has to be said that relatively few people took pictures here on a sunny morning! Photo: Author's collection.
Click on the image for a full-size version. Return by clicking the "x".

By 1966 many LMR locos had been allocated to Banbury and Woodford Halse, this example from Colwick, No 44835, probably having arrived via the former GC line. 14.6.66. Photo: F.A. Blencowe.
Click on the image for an enlargement

By the summer of 1966 the former GWR presence was in decline and visible here were two Riddles 9Fs and an ex-LMS "Black Five". Not looking too unkempt was this double-chimney 9F from Tyseley, No 92212. Photograph: F.A. Blencowe
Click on the image for a larger version. Return by clicking the "x".

So few general views were taken at Banbury engine shed until 1964-66 and by the final year, ex-GWR locos were becoming comparatively rare. In this view from Saturday 2nd July 1966 only three classes can be seen: ex-LMS 5MT, 8F and Riddles 9F, which dominated the allocation. Photo: R.K. Blencowe Negative Archive.
Click on the image for a larger version. Return by clicking the "x".

As if to underline the point, this view was captured on Saturday 23rd July 1966 with ex-LMS "Black Five" No 44808 and 8F No 48415, neither of them carrying shed plates. The 9F whose smokebox door can be was No 92227, a long resident at Banbury. Photo: M.L. Boakes.
Click on the image for a larger version. Return by clicking the "x".

One of Tyseley's double chimney 9Fs, No 92002, after arrival from the north stands by the gloomy east side of the coaling stage where discarded ashes were routinely dumped. 1st October 1966. Photo: F.A. Blencowe.
Click on the image for an enlargement

A view from 1966 with not a single ex-GWR loco in sight but at least 5 ex-LMS ones on shed. Centre stage is Ivatt 46522 which was allocated to Banbury in 1966 (there's another view of it lower down by the side of the running shed). A pair of Riddles 9Fs stand to the right. Photo: author's collection.
Click on the image for an enlargement
The shed closed on 3rd October 1966.
To be continued...
Banbury yards and freight: are here.
Banbury express passenger: is here.
Banbury light engines: are here.
Banbury signal boxes: are here.