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The London terminus of the GCLE.

Intro, engine shed and locos.


A station on the London Extension.

Some notes about what did and what didn't happen.

Scale of excavations, station and


Developments from opening to the 1930s

The Outer Suburban traffic in GCR, LNER and BR days.

The gangwayed carriages from the GCR's first dozen years.

Separated from the modelling topic and expanded.


Built for Marylebone and the London Extension,
then dispersed around the LNER.


The first matchboard design, 1910

By type, through GCR, LNER and BR days


60' gangwayed matchboard, 1911+

56' and 60' designs, 1911+.

GCR milk

One of Dan Pinnock's later etched brass
kits, an overview with service views.

GCR horse box

The Diagrams and in service.

GC bog fish

Louvred and slatted versions,
historical info, GCR and LNER.

Article review.

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Leeds - West Riding

Leeds map

A new section with its own menu.

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LNER Passenger Trains and Formations

The book took 12 years for me and Clive to complete and, though I say so myself, Ian Allan have made a beautiful job of it (see full description and sample pages). Vol.2 about the Secondary Services should follow in a year or so's time.

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