LNER coaches
LNER passenger coaches and train workings
A user note: I have tried to present the articles with a helpful précis. There is much overlap between historical and modelling subjects and search engines in a website can be limited: "Enter search string", for example, is flexible but will only find the top hit per page. It's better if you run Firefox because keying CTR+F (and a precise word or phrase) will highlight all the hits on that page.
This is a complete list - for ease of reference, I have put LNER Catering and LNER NPCS in separate sections as well.
British Railway Modelling

LNER D.23A Hairdressing Salon, Ladies Retiring Room, Cocktail Bar 3rd
- Gresley 61'6"
A one page piece with two good illustrations of the model and some constructional notes. Based on Kirk sides and (I didn't quote any more suppliers) MJT/scratch underframe on ABS bogies.
1pp, 2 illus. Oct 1993
For more details see "The Flying Scotsman-2" in Model Rail, Apr 2006.

MJT Gresley Non-Corridor 3rd
- Gresley 51'1 1/2" 3rd
- MJT kit built and compared with Comet and Kirk.
Best account I have written on how to build MJT etched sides. The techniques shown here are referred to in subsequent articles.
4pp, 9 illus. Jan 1994
Gresley Coaches from MJT
A review of the new range with pictures of etchings, three pairs of made-up and painted sides in LNER and BR liveries, and a D&S 52'6 GNR Saloon completed with MJT roof, ends and underframe.
2pp, 4 illus. Jun 1994
BR(ex-NER) Semi-corridor Lavatory 3rd
- Brief history and prototype photo of the flat-sided matchboard design and service into BR days in secondary services.
- Construction of the D&S kit with some additions and tweaks to make construction easier.
4pp, 11 illus. Oct 1994
A First Class Sleeper
- Another one-page piece, about the Gresley 66'6" SLF (1st Sleeping car) to D.157 which was fitted with a shower.
- Based on 61'6" Kirk sides and MJT parts "stretched" with various additions by scratch. The interior was fitted with beds, pillows, sheets and blankets: a most enjoyable project, this!
1pp, 2 illus. April 1996
Gresley Restaurant 1st
- 61'6" LNER RF based on the MJT etchings.
- In BR maroon livery. Good picture of the roof fittings.
2pp, 4 illus. Apr 1998

GCR Clerestory Composite
- 50' design of 1903, brief history of vehicle and use in service with protoype photo.
- A reworking of the Perseverance kit.
- The constructional illustrations were not used; they are now under "Modelling", showing the CL and BT, along with some extra prototype illustrations.
2pp, 3 illus. (model & prototype), Nov 1998
Varnishing point
An illustrated letter on the nature of LNER brown. (There should have been an article on this subject)!
2pp, 1 illus. Apr 1999
Gresley & Thompson Steel Panelled Stock
- Gresley 51'1 1/2" BT(4) to D.294.
- Thompson 52'4" BC(2,6) to D.360.
- Historical and service intro. Models built in similar fashion around a Cu-clad base and MJT and ABS parts, with corrected sides from Kemilway (an old kit) and Comet. Both finished in BR crimson.
4pp, 10 illus. (one prototype). Nov 1999
MJT Gresley Brake Composites
- Product review.
1pp, 3 illus. (one prototype). Nov 1999.
61'6" Gresley Stock
- BTK(4) to D.114
- BCK(2,2) to D.34
- Historical intro with service notes and photographs.
- Construction of two MJT models, in LNER teak and BR carmine & cream.
4pp, 9 illus. (including two prototype). Feb 2000.
Model Rail
An LNER (GNR) Restaurant Composite
- Gresley 65'6" 12-wheel RC built 1906 with historical vehicle and service notes.
- The D&S kit souped up.
2pp, 6 illus. Apr-May 1999

Brake with tradition
- Ex-GCR 60' matchboard brake composite of 1911. Some historical notes and photographs.
- Falcon Brass kit much reworked or, more accurately, scratch-built with reworked side etchings.
3 pp, 8 illus. (2 prototype). Dec 2003
ER Secondary Services in Transition - 1
- Historical: an overview of workings on former LNER lines.
First in a series of 12 articles whose titles kept drifting!
4pp, 5 illus. Sep 2004
Eastern Secondary Services in Transition
- Thompson 52'4" steel-panelled CL, BC and T.
- Built using corrected Comet sides married to a Cu-class base, scratch built ends, MJT roof and u/f fittings, ABS bogies.
A first presentation of how to build a rock-solid base for a model with etched brass sides. Much used in subsequent models.
4pp, 16 illus. (2 historical). Oct 2004
Eastern Secondary Services in Transition - 3
- Historical: Gresley articulated twins and the "steel quintuple sets" on LNER and former GNR and GCR lines.
4pp, 6 illus. Bov 2004
Eastern Secondary Services in Transition - 4
- Historical and modelling, workings on the GN Section, LNER.
- Gresley 51'1 1/2" twin BT-CL.
- Based on the Kirk kit with scratch built ends, other parts MJT and ABS.
A first presentation of a base built around .060" Plastikard and Evergreen solebars.
4pp, 12 illus. (three very large historical). Dec 2004
Eastern Secondary Services in Transition - 5
- Historical and modelling. Workings on the GN Section.
- LNER former GNR Gresley 58'1 1/2" BC.
- A reworking of the D&S kit, in particlar the base using the technique described in the above article.
This was an early and problematic floor-pan design by Dan Pinnock which he dropped: the modelling solution I employed makes for
happy modelling.
6pp, 14 illus. (4 large historical). Jan 2005
Eastern Secondary Services in Transition - 6
- Historical and modelling. Workings include Yorkshire area.
- Gresley 51'1 1/2" steel-panelled BT, LNER, ER.
- Largely scratch-built fitting modified Kemilway sides to a Cu-clad base and modified MJT ad ABS parts.
4pp, 13 illus. (4 historical). Feb 2005
Eastern Services in Transition
- 10th in the series.
- Historical and modelling. LNER, former NER, ER.
- Non-gangwayed, semi-corridor lavatory 3rd, both types described, detail changes and workings including M&GN.
- D&S kit of the matchboard version, built for the early BR period.
6pp, 16 illus. (6 historical) Oct 2005
Push & Pull
- Historical overview of types and formations, LNER and ER on former NER, GCR, GER, NBR regions.
6pp, 10 illus. Nov 2005
The 'Flying Scotsman'
- Historical and modelling: formations and "standard" types.
- LNER Gresley 61'6" FK, CK, TK.
- Based on Kirk kits souped-up on semi-scratch underframes with MJT parts. The "Superfirst" FK needed replacement toplights with
Stones window vents.
5pp, 18 illus. (5 historical). Mar 2006
The 'Flying Scotsman' - 2
- Historical and modelling: the catering coaches.
- LNER Gresley restaurant triplet set - kitchen car and dining cars (RTS)
- LNER D.23A Gresley 61'6" toilet 3rd (with Hairdressing Salon, Ladies Retiring Room and Cocktail Bar).
- Based on Kirk kits souped-up on semi-scratch underfames with MJT parts. Details of articulation, roof fittings, and interior
with 2:1 armchairs.
A grand set of vehicles, only a pity that a full side view of the toilet 3rd got dropped!
An earlier model was shown in BRM Oct 1993 (see above).
6pp, 17 illus. (one historical). Apr 2006
BR MkI - Secondary and Suburban
- Historical.
- Overview of designs and gradual progression of formations used in: Marylebone Outer Suburban and Secondary service; King's Cross Inner
Suburban; Dunstable branch.
There were clear lines of development in these services over the years which I have tried to lay out clearly.
5pp, 9 illus. Jan 2007
BR MkI - Secondary and Suburban - 2
- Historical.
- As above but looking at: King's Cross Secondary and Outer Suburban service; GN Section Secondary; the 1970s; Excursions.
Conclusion of the half dozen or so different kinds of service on which the stock was deployed in a characteristic and methodical
4pp, 9illus. Apr 2007
GNR Howlden carriages
- GNR 45' BT, BV with historical and service notes, LNER/BR.
- D&S kits, main modification concerns chassis/body width.
5pp, 14 illus. (7 historical). Sep 2007
Horses by rail: the auto-trains
- Another historical follow-up to an article by Chris Leigh
- Shows Ex-GCR, NER and GWR workings.
1 pp, 3 historical illus. Sep 2007
Secondary expresses in BR days
- Historical outline and focus on an example: Cleethropes-Leeds.
- Colour pictures include haulage by D1832.
2pp, 3 historical illus. Dec 2007
East Coast Main Line 'relief'
- Historical: a West Riding relief express made up with stock from a secondary service.
1pp, 1 historical illus. Jan 2008
Pullman cars in general service expresses
- Reader to Reader section: Illustrated overview.
1pp, 4 illus. Dec 2008
Model Railway Journal

Gresley Kitchen Cars
- Brief history of the prototypes, both anthracite-electric and gas.
- Construction of both versions based on MJT parts, now sold by Dart Castings.
8pp, 20 illus.(prototype & model). No 95 (1997)
Modellers' Back Track
Passenger Trains and Formations on the LNER
An account of the Ordinary Passenger services, with some focus on the GC Section.
9pp, 10 illus. Feb/Mar 1993 (Vol 2 No 6)
Passenger Trains and Formations on the LNER, Expresses, Part One
Focussing on the catering combinations.
5pp, 7 illus. Aug/Sep 1994 (Vol 4, No 3)
Passenger Trains and Formations on the LNER, Expresses, Part Two
Other aspects, from general formations to through coaches. One table was badly set and republished on p.332 in issue 4/6.
9pp, 13 illus. Oct/Nov 1994 (Vol 4, No 4)
Railway Modeller
Please note that the 1980s articles here go back to a time when information was harder to come by and not all the components available today had arrived.
Gresley non-corridor first
- 51'1 1/2" 1st, LNER, ER.
- Based on the Kirk kit before MJT did the etched turnbuckle trussing. Good detail of how to make up the ends.
2pp, 6 illus. Jul 1987
LNER quad-art set in 4mm
- Kirk kit with scratch-built trussing and lower steps.
- There are some useful tips and illustrations here, but much was out of the box. Also, these vehicles were not lined.
A set I built later in BR crimson had all-MJT parts underneath, cutting and splicing the trussing etchings.
Between the carriages I made adjustable brass connections so that the spacing can be adjusted to the sharpness of the
curves on your layout. Alas, no write-up to show for it; I hope these notes help. Amusingly, I put the BR(E) model in
the Scalefour competition one year, and so did somebody else. What a glorious sight they were!
4pp, 14 illus. (including 2 sketches and 3 prototype photographs).
Gresley open 3rd restaurant car
Not recommended.
This was based on limited info and misinterpretation. Only later did I get a copy of the LNER Diagram book (and it's now widely available c/o Michael Harris). In short, I used the Comet sides for the general service D.186 3rd Open with 2:2 seating to try and make a D.27 dining car with 2:1 seating (which was briefly branded "Restaurant Car" on the GE Section before being de-branded and renumbered. The bodies were different for the catering version had no lavatory on the narrow side and plain panelling there instead. It cannot be made from an etching for D.186. It can be built via two different routes:
- By taking the Kirk kit for D.186 and reworking the panelling.
- The MJT etchings for D.27.
3pp, 8 illus. Jun 1988
LNER 1st restaurant car
Not recommended except with reservations.
- LNER D.144 RF.
- Some useful tips, mainly the underframe layout. Roof, alas, is based on a less than accurate modeller's dwg. Numbers quoted
not entirely applicable because the window design changed. U/f undetailed, insufficient trussing. We have come a long way since this model was built! For better and more accurate models see BRM April 1998 "Gresley Restaurant 1st", above, and an unpublished picture on this website under "Modelling".
4pp, 8 illus. (1 u/f dwg). Jan 1989
GNR First Class Saloon
- 52'6" GN.45D of 1912 with prototype notes.
- D&S sides etchings married to a Cu-clad base, MJT ends, roof and general fittings.
- With a lovely interior...
2pp, 4 illus. (1 historical). Jun 1997
Some LNER brake 3rds
- Two different types of BT(6) with historical notes, an LNER/GC hybrid to D.59 (56') of 1924, and a more conventional 51'1 1/2" to D.246 of 1938.
- Both built with reworked Kirk sides. The early one on GCR bogies got a scratch-built underframe, the later one MJT and ABS.
Please note that the drawings provided by the Railway Modeller were produced without my knowledge and contain 35 mistakes. It was particularly poor to place a bad drawing next to the model pictures and make it look like I couldn't produce an accurate model! Was the term "silly billies" in vogue at the time? I submitted a correction with prototype photographs: it was never run. I have always believed in correcting historical errors at the first opportunity, as do most Editors. The Modeller preferred to turn a blind eye and let modellers be misled. So, ignore the drawings and work off the model photos which are nice and large.
4pp, 7 illus. March 1998.